Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 2 eating VLC

..Very Low Cal. I'm learning the lingo and abbreviations used in some of the HCG forums!

So yeah. Last night after I wrote my update I started getting a massive headache. Right behind the eyes and I thought, great, here we go! I'm guessing it's the stress on my body with the drops and the food because I woke up to...223.6#! Holy crap in a basket! That's like 4 lbs in a day!

Meh, I'm not THAT excited yet. I'll be really excited to see my measurements next Thursday. I decided to do measurements once a week to see some results but happy to see the scale drop for once. We'll see.

I had the breadstick for the snack and drank some chamomile tea with Stevia to try to get rid of my headache. I decided to take a hot bath with sea salt to help pull out some toxins and that seemed to help slightly. I just felt off and fog headed. Still kinda foggy headed, though. I guess I didn't load well. :/ Next round on my load day I am chugging that freaking heavy cream!

I went to bed and was woken up after 2 hrs sleep by the boy...a fight ensued, it was ugly, and I went back to bed with my head still pounding. I got enough sleep to wake up to the 4 lb loss and so far today no headache, but it feels like it might come on or it's about to.

I had my breakfast of an orange and coffee again and lunch was a shrimp salad with romaine lettuce and a dressing of white vinegar, lemon juice, S&P, and garlic powder. With the damn breadstick on the side.
It was okay but not as filling as yesterday's meals. It wasn't as tasty either. I got the shrimp for this week but I don't think I want to do a salad again soon. I need more substance, I think.

Also, something to note, I have had to pee about every 30 min or so today. Drinking lots of green tea and I feel like a race horse! Good thing I got tp at the store this week, but trying to conserve as I'm using more than usual.

Then I've been doing my usual research on some HCG forums and discovered what people call "Cocoa Crack" which is cocoa powder and coconut oil and other ingredients. It's not P2 protocol with the oil, but one girl swears it helps get her out of her stalls. I'll get some if needed but what I did see were cocoa powder ideas and suddenly I wanted chocolate!

I jotted one recipe down and ran to my cupboard. Good thing I have cocoa powder! I tried to make it with Stevia and just not to my tastes so I used Splenda instead. Even though Splenda's not good for you, in small moderate doses like today, it's going to be fine.

So here's what I made:
3 TBS of cocoa powder
1 TBS (ish. I went by taste) of vanilla extract
1 packet of Splenda
3.5 TBS of water
a pinch of kosher salt
Mixed all in a glass bowl

Put this in the microwave on high for about 20-25 secs until it started bubbling. Then pulled it out and stirred until smooth.

HOLY YUM, Batman! I was like, I can have this? For Reals???
So for my fruit snack, I dipped my strawberries...nay, let them BATHE in the chocolate sauce and devoured each piece of fruit with ravenous delight! Yes, finally, I can get down with this! Though, I will not use it every day, it really made me feel much better today. I hope I still get the dramatic loss tomorrow. *crosses fingers* I can still taste the chocolate on my lips. Mmmm I will be keeping this recipe close!

Tonight will be chicken and asparagus which is already marinating in ACV (apple cider vinegar) with cumin and the usual S&P. I miss my EVOO and butter to cook stuff in. I'm looking forward to P3 so I can basically do the Atkins thing again. I am also craving mashed cauliflower which is like mashed potatoes but just as good.

I also realized today that I'm a bit hungry, but it's been more mental hunger than anything. I've caught myself in my head a few times going, Oh, I want Taco Bell. And I could just go into the fridge and eat some eggs and cheese, no big deal.
But it is a big deal! These thoughts feel just like the same thoughts I had when I kicked the smoking habit! The exact same! I would be in a situation like getting into my car and think, Oh, I need to light one up while a drive. It's the same nagging and pulling in my head like smoking. It's the food addiction, I know it. I talked to the boy about this and he said I would always complain I was "hungry" as soon as I got into the car. It makes a lot of sense. So I figured if I can kick the smoking habit, I can kick the food habit. It takes one solid week to get over the cravings then one more week to push the thoughts out of my head completely. I can do that, again. I know what to expect this time.

Maybe this is why people complain about being hungry all the time? Is it physical or is it mental? A lot of people complain in the first week. I would have to say, from my experience, this has got to be mental as you are kicking the food habit.

Have to run off to the bathroom again. Wow, I can't even type a little without getting up to go pee! I wonder what this week will be like?

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