Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 17 total (day 15 VLC) and I unstalled!

So I finally dropped .4 after sitting at 213.8 for the past couple of days. And it's official: I have dropped 15lbs in 15 days! WOOHOO! Let's hope I can keep this up! No hunger either and I'm finding I have to practically choke down food and my water.
I'm hoping to stop by July 7th and move on to Phase 3 only because I have a vacation planned in September and I have to be at least moved on to Phase 3 in my second round by then. There's no way I'm going on vacation and only eating 500 calories and have to prepackage everything!

I'm going to a wedding today and that's going to try to mess me up. But I've got things planned to pack my dinner and try to sneak out and eat it or not stick around for the dinner there. Something. I'll figure it out, I guess.

That sucks because I love gatherings and getting all the food and drinking for free. The even worse news is I'm going to be surrounded by family so that's going to put even more stress on me to want to eat. :( I really do not want to go but it's my baby cousin's wedding. I'm not close to her anymore since she's had 3 kids. I can't relate to any of my cousins so I'm not close to anyone. I really don't like my family very much. No matter how much I have tried in the past, no matter how nice I am on the outside, I still feel like I am an outsider. My mother told me I have to love them because they are my family, but I learned I don't have to even try. They are people who I cannot connect with; I do not have to love anyone like that.

But anyways, in the last couple of days I received my Miracle Noodles, my Braggs's Liquid Aminos and Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, and I am waiting on my Capella Flavor Drops so I can make better coffee and smoothies. And I also stopped at GNC to get some unflavored protein powder because I don't think I'm getting enough protein. It seems I've saved a lot of money getting healthy by not buying fast food every day of the week so I thought I could splurge a little and get the things I need to stay healthy.
They taste like rice noodles when you wash them and boil them right!

I had to share this as I have been having problems getting my coffee to taste right in the last 2 weeks. I need to have 1 good tasting cup of coffee a morning and today I finally did it with lots of thanks to my new awesome Ninja blender:

1 cup of coffee, 1 dash of peppermint extract, a dash of powdered stevia, 1 tbs of milk, 1 tbs of cocoa powder, a swish with my ninja and POOF: The best tasting peppermint mocha I have ever had! Way better than Starbucks.

I can't even believe how much easier this is getting. I also found a website with low carb recipes called Linda's Low Carb Menus and I cannot wait to try some of her desserts!

Well, since my phone cannot connect to my computer, I have no pictures to share that I took. I'll just grab some random stuff from the web and toss up here.

The Liquid Aminos tastes just like soy sauce and the ACV is a bit brutal but worth it! I'm going to try an ACV rinse in my hair today. We'll see how that goes!

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend and wish me luck with my family today. *gulps*

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